Labrador Retriever Club of Southern California
ARTICLE 1 – Name and Objectives
SECTION 1. The name of the club shall be the Labrador Retriever Club of Southern
California, Inc.
SECTION 2. The objectives of the club shall be:
- To encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Labrador
Retrievers and to do all possible to enhance their natural breed qualities;
additionally, the LRCSC requires that puppies will not be sold wholesale to retail
outlets for resale. It is recommended that members adhere to this club’s Breeder’s
Code of Ethics (see Standing Rules). - To do all in its power to protect and advance interest in the breed by encouraging
sportsman-like competition at dog shows, obedience and rally trials, hunt tests,
field trials and agility trials. - To conduct sanctioned and licensed specialty shows, obedience trials, hunt tests
and matches under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club
SECTION 3. The club shall not be conducted or operated for profit and no part of any
profits or remainder or residue from dues or donations to the club shall inure to the
benefit of any member or individual. The club may, however, from time to time make
charitable donations or offer scholarships that comply with California state regulations.
SECTION 4. The members of the club shall adopt and may from time to time revise
such by‐laws as may be required to carry out these objectives.
ARTICLE 1 – Membership
SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY: There shall be two types of membership open to all persons
eighteen years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club
and who subscribe to the objectives of this club. “Full” and “Associate” membership
are explained on the membership application.
SECTION 2. DUES: Membership dues shall be payable on or before the first day of
January of each year. The amount shall be determined by a vote of the Board of
Directors. These dues shall entitle an individual or two (2) members of the same
household to all the privileges of club membership. No member may vote or compete
for any club special award whose dues are not paid for the current year. During the
month of November the Membership Chairperson shall notify each member of their
dues for the ensuing year.
SECTION 3. ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP: Each applicant for membership shall
apply on a form as approved by the Board and which shall provide that the applicant
agree to abide by this constitution and by‐laws and the rules of the American Kennel
Club. The application shall state the name, address and occupation of the applicant.
Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for
the current year. Membership applications received after September 30 will be pro‐
rated to the second January 1 following that application.
All applications are to be filed with the Membership Chairperson and each application
is to be read at the first meeting of the Board following its receipt. Applications for
Associate Membership will be read at a second Board meeting. If there are no
objections to the Associate Member application, the applicant will automatically be
accepted as an Associate Member. If there are any objections to the Associate Member
application, the application will be denied. Applications for Full Membership will be
read at the next Board meeting; the application will be voted upon and affirmative
votes of ¾ of the Board members present shall be required to elect the applicant to Full
Membership. Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the Board may not re‐apply within twelve (12) months after such rejection. Applicants for Full Membership must have been an Associate Member for a minimum of 12 months.
SECTION 4. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership may be terminated:
By expulsion. A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in
Article VI of these by‐laws.
ARTICLE II – Meetings and Voting
SECTION 1. CLUB MEETINGS: Regular meetings of the club shall be held at least one
(1) time a year in the city of Anaheim or within a radius of fifty (50) miles thereof on
such date, time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Notice of
each such meeting shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.
The quorum for such meetings shall be 20% of the members in good standing. Regular
meetings include all events at which all members of the club are notified and may
SECTION 2. SPECIAL CLUB MEETINGS: Special club meetings may be called by the
President or by a majority vote of the members of the Board who are present and voting
at any regular or special meeting of the Board, and shall be called by the Secretary upon
receipt of a petition signed by five (5) members of the club who are in good standing.
Such special meetings shall be held at such date, hour and place as may be designated
by the person or persons authorized herein to call such meetings. Notice of such
meeting shall be given by the Secretary at least five (5) days and not more than fifteen
(15) days prior to the date of the meeting; and said notice shall state the purpose of the
meeting and no other club business may be transacted thereat. The quorum for such a
meeting shall be 20% of the membership in good standing.
By lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically
terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid ninety (90) days after the first
day of the fiscal year (January 1st), however, the Board may grant an additional
grace period to such delinquent members in meritorious cases. In no case may a
person be entitled to vote at any club meeting whose dues are unpaid as of the
date of that meeting.
SECTION 3. BOARD MEETINGS: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in
each of at least four (4) months of the year at such date, time and place as may be
designated by the Board of Directors. Notification of such meeting shall be given by the
Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting. The quorum for such
meeting shall be a majority of the Board. General members are welcome to attend and
participate in discussions. Voting at Board meetings is limited to one vote per officer or
elected Board member. The President will abstain from voting except in the case of a tie
SECTION 4. SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS: Special meetings of the Board may be
called by the President and shall be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a written
request signed by at least three (3) members of the Board. Such special meetings shall
be held in Anaheim, or within a radius of fifty (50) miles thereof, at such place, date and
hour as may be designated by the person authorized herein to call such meeting.
Notice of such meeting shall be given by the Secretary at least five (5) days and not
more than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting. Any such notice shall state the
purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be transacted thereat. A quorum for
such meeting shall be a majority of the Board.
SECTION 5. VOTING: Each full member in good standing whose dues are paid for the
current year shall be entitled to vote at any General meeting of the club at which that
member is present. Proxy voting will not be permitted at any club meeting or election.
Board members and officers will have one vote each at General and Board meetings.
The President will abstain from voting except in the case of a tie vote.
ARTICLE III – Directors and Officers
SECTION 1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board shall be comprised of the President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and no more than five (5) other persons, all of
whom shall be full members in good standing. The President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and other Board members shall be elected for one‐year terms as provided in
Article IV, and shall serve until their successors are elected. They shall be nominated
and elected by the general membership. General management of the club’s affairs shall
be entrusted to the Board of Directors. Board members shall be expected to attend all
Board meetings.
SECTION 2. OFFICERS: The club’s officers, consisting of President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve in their respective capacities both with regard to the
club and its meetings and the Board and its meetings. At no time shall any officer
receive any compensation for the performance of any club duties. Officers shall be
expected to attend all Board meetings.
The President shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board, and shall have the
duties and powers normally appurtenant to the office of President in
addition to those particularly specified by these by‐laws
b. Appoint all committees, designate chairman of each with approval of the
Board, and shall be an ex‐officio member of all committees, except the
Nominating Committee
c. Call for Special meetings of the Board or Membership as needed
d. The President will abstain from voting except in the case of a tie vote
The Vice President shall:
a. Have the duties and exercise the powers of the President in case of the
President’s death, absence or incapacity
b. Assist the President in his/her duties
c. Secure site for monthly meetings
d. Secure speakers or presentations for two (2) General Meetings
The Secretary shall:
a. Be responsible for the record keeping of all meetings, including the taking
of minutes, typing them, distributing them to the Board, reading them at
the next meeting and keeping them in a notebook
b. Keep a permanent record of minutes, agendas, Treasurer’s reports and
c. Have a complete notebook of all records to pass to the next Secretary
d. Be responsible for all correspondence including, but not limited to,
writing letters, receiving letters and reporting them at meetings
e. Notify the membership of Special meetings (see Article 11)
f. Keep a roster of the members of the club with their addresses
g. Respond to correspondence in a timely manner
h. Begin the process of securing judges in the event that the Match Secretary
or Specialty Secretary has not yet been appointed
i. Notify the selected members of the Nominating Committee of their
j. Send out ballots at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting and tally the
votes as soon as the deadline date arrives
k. Notify officers and directors of their election to office
l. Accept membership resignations
m. Accept written petition of amendments
n. Perform duties as specified in Article VI and elsewhere designated in
these by‐laws
The elected Board Members shall:
a. Be expected to attend meetings
b. Participate in discussions
c. Actively participate in all club events
d. Be willing to chair committees as needed by the Board